April 19, 2015

Calgary Expo - 2015 Complete!

I had a great time at the expo as a first time exhibitor! It was a really new learning experience for me, and fun.

The best part for me was talking to all the guests, and getting to hang out with my husband who helped keep me positive and encouraged me through the entire process. I also have amazing friends and family who showed me so much support!

 What I took away from this experience was that it's important to get yourself out there and to not be afraid of new things. As well, what you think might be a popular print might not, be and vice versa. I heard from many people that they loved my style, which was VERY encouraging as it means I am doing something right! A bonus was I earned back my funds and some, spent on the con for supplies and the table. :D

I have so many new ideas planned for next year, I am excited to get started! I am going to practice completing landscapes for future images as well as more dynamic/action poses.

Now that I officially ran out of my vellum paper ( as described in my previous post), I think it's time I try some new paper mediums. I would like to buy a light box, and with some funds received from the con, possibly a Cintiq. That would be amazing! This way, I can practice on it for next year! *squeeeee!*

I love what I have learned this past year, but would love to learn even MORE in the future! I hope to get better and better every time I complete a picture. I love bringing smiles to peoples faces when they see my pictures. It makes me so happy and makes me want to do even better for them!