April 26, 2016

Calgary Expo 2016

 Just wanted to let anyone who is interested know that they can check out my Facebook for more art updates. I don't really update my blog any more as it's kinda out of date, and I feel like I've grown a lot more since last year. Anyways please go to my Facebook for more updates!

I'll be attending the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo from April 28th-May 1st, and I'm located at booth 4629 in the Big Four building! Come check out my new stuff :D

December 26, 2015


Hope everyone had a great holiday so far, I did! :)

I've been working on some new techniques, and completing some Schoolism courses to expand my knowledge a bit, which is why I haven't updated my page for a while. I've learned a lot since last year and plan on revamping my blog - either getting rid of my Facebook page altogether, or my blog. I've been putting a lot of pressure on myself to try to be perfect while I'm still learning, and that is just a recipe for disaster. So I decided to keep it cool for a bit and relax.

There'll be some new changes coming!

April 19, 2015

Calgary Expo - 2015 Complete!

I had a great time at the expo as a first time exhibitor! It was a really new learning experience for me, and fun.

The best part for me was talking to all the guests, and getting to hang out with my husband who helped keep me positive and encouraged me through the entire process. I also have amazing friends and family who showed me so much support!

 What I took away from this experience was that it's important to get yourself out there and to not be afraid of new things. As well, what you think might be a popular print might not, be and vice versa. I heard from many people that they loved my style, which was VERY encouraging as it means I am doing something right! A bonus was I earned back my funds and some, spent on the con for supplies and the table. :D

I have so many new ideas planned for next year, I am excited to get started! I am going to practice completing landscapes for future images as well as more dynamic/action poses.

Now that I officially ran out of my vellum paper ( as described in my previous post), I think it's time I try some new paper mediums. I would like to buy a light box, and with some funds received from the con, possibly a Cintiq. That would be amazing! This way, I can practice on it for next year! *squeeeee!*

I love what I have learned this past year, but would love to learn even MORE in the future! I hope to get better and better every time I complete a picture. I love bringing smiles to peoples faces when they see my pictures. It makes me so happy and makes me want to do even better for them!

April 16, 2015

My Art Process

Hi Everyone,

 I'd just like to share a little bit about my art process.

I received some vellum from a very generous friend who no longer needed it sometime last year. (Vellum is a type of transparent paper).  I've been using it to clean up my pencil lines, much like you would on a light table. As pencil can smudge quite easily on it, it can be tedious if you're not careful. Sometimes it can take up to three tries for me to make it right. I sketch out my original design on 11X17 comic paper. Then take some vellum, cut it to size, and do some clean up art on top of that. THEN I take that vellum that I drew on with pencil, and then ink on top of another piece. I still would like to get a light table eventually! *phew*

I'll be bringing some of the original pictures in my portfolio to my booth B4 3601, on the Upper Floor of the big floor building. If you have the time, come check 'er out to see my process!

Hope to see you there!

Kelly W.

April 01, 2015

New pic on the way...

Just a lil' update. Working on a Zelda pic right now and I'm hoping to have it ready for the Calgary Comic Expo, I'm kinda excited! :)

March 20, 2015

A couple days off...

Hey guys, I've just been taking a couple days off of my art because I've been sick and I am trying celebrate my bday at the same time lol. So, been a little busy. While I've been resting, I've been playing FF Class zero. At first I was I was a bit uninterested only because I haven't played many of the last ones that have to do with the L'cie. I didn't really grasp the whole story line of those past games so I lost interest. But. At the beginning of this game, I thought that it would just be another one of those but it's actually pretty fun! I love the strategic field battles and side quests! Anywho, games aside, I do have a pic in the works, plus some other ideas I have for pics. I hope I can get them done for the expo. If not, I know I am gonna grow a lot as an artist yet and there is more I would like to learn, so maybe it's a good thing if I don't finish everything now. I dunno. The Calgary expo is coming up and I still need to find a good print store! Might go hunting today! Anyways later!

March 14, 2015

ICO Fan Art

Whelp, here it guys, I am finished.

 I managed to finish this one even though I have a bad cold. Soooo, rather than sit on the couch all day, I have been working on this! I love it.  For this one, I practiced a bit making lightning, I think it turned out pretty good. I bet in the dead of night, I will wake up with a start and think that I missed something and need to start working on it again. No, probably not. :P

Anywho, Ico. It is my most favourite game around. It has such depth to it and the ICO world is so unlike any other games out there. I have seen a lot of apps and games try to mimic it, but nothing will be able to compare, other than Shadow of the Coloussus of course! AND if they ever finish The Last Guardian *tear*. I still have hope.

This game still looks fantastic seeing as it came out in 2001! (or 2002?)

In my picture I tried to replicate the feel of the game with colour. ICO has a very soft, and airy feel about it, almost dreamlike. I coloured Yorda with warm tones. It may not seem so in the game, but she has more of a brownish hue to her look rather than straight black as shown in her dress and overall shadows, so I coloured her in warmer tones. I also wanted her to stand out more than the Queen as Yorda is my main focus. I coloured The Queen as well as the Shadowmen in mainly blue tones.

If you would like to see what this game is all about, check out these links:

Don't Click this link if you don't want spoilers! This link as all the cut scenes from the game :ICO - All Cut scenes - YouTube

If you don't want spoilers, click here! :ICO Official Video Game Trailer - YouTube

March 10, 2015

New art coming soon...

Hey Guys, just wanted to update and say that I am currently in the process of completing flats for my new pic I am doing in Photoshop.

I was actually working on putting a whole other pic together before colouring the one I am working on now, but I just couldn't wait! So, I just started finishing this one.

I'm hoping to be finished by at least Monday, but, I don't like giving myself deadlines. It would be nice to be done by Monday as I would like to finish more art for the Expo, but I don't like rushing things either!

So I guess we shall see!


Kelly W.

March 02, 2015

WIP Coming Soon....

Rhymes with Bico, or even...lico, smico, rico? um. tico? uh yeah...

It's one of my most favourite games :D

February 21, 2015

Ifrit and Shiva - Final Fantasy- Fan Art

Here is a pic I finished today of  Ifrit and Shiva from Final Fantasy. My favorite version of Ifrit is from FF8. I love the beastly look rather than demon like in the other Final Fantasy games. I also like the shorter snout than the longer in FF10. For Shiva, my favorite would be from FF10. I just think they made her look more tribal and I found that look to be more unique than in the other games, although, they did do an awesome job of them in the newest ones, I just haven't played the last one. Anyways, I had A LOT of fun doing this one. I have been working on this one since 2pm today and it is now 9:30pm. That's how I can tell I enjoyed it! Anyways, hope everyone likes!

Here are some links on them!

